This project for Special Topics: Editorial and Tech Design involves a website and branding redesign of one of my favorite online media companies, Channel Awesome. This took most of my fall semester of 2020. Additional elements included a logo redesign and a magazine cover (along with an animated GIF equivalent). The original website also looked a bit too plain, as each page had the same style and "latest posts" format. For my redesign, I used the familiar color palette resembling the Nostalgia Critic's signature background wall, and divided each show (and episodes) into different sections and categories.
Softwares used: Photoshop (animated gifs), iMovie (scrolling video guide), Illustrator (everything else)
My redesign of the Channel Awesome logo (a simplified version using the company's initials)
My redesign of the Channel Awesome logo (a simplified version using the company's initials)
Homepage sketch (desktop)
Homepage sketch (desktop)
Wireframe sketches (both desktop and mobile)
Wireframe sketches (both desktop and mobile)
Fan-made magazine cover
Fan-made magazine cover
Fan-made magazine cover (animated GIF equivalent)
Fan-made magazine cover (animated GIF equivalent)
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